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Youth and Junior Membership

The Society is fortunate that the children and teenagers who attend our conferences and events play an active and vital role in the organisation now and hopefully in the future. Giving the children and teenagers an opportunity to become members of the Society in their own right, would in our view give them a great sense of ownership of the organisation, and increase their participation in the organisation.

Junior Membership is available for children between the ages of 7 and 12 years, and Youth Membership is available for teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 years.

Parents are able to sign up their child/teenagers at I.H.S. events only.



Sense of belonging to the organisation

Encourages involvement in the Society

Learning about bleeding disorders

Taking part in activities and events



Community Spirit


Youth and Junior members will receive

A membership Pack including:

Welcome letter

Latest newsletter

Membership card

I.H.S. bookmark

Haemophilia Heroes Workbook

Sibling Superstars (if applicable)

I.H.S. self-infusion reward information sheet (junior members only)

Dental care tips leaflet

Become a junior volunteer information sheet (youth members only)


During the year youth and junior members will also receive:

A birthday card


A self-infusion certificate and gift voucher for Smiths Toy Store, when you start self-infusing (junior members only)

Educational Information